Community Partners
5PNA is always looking for community partners and groups with whom to collaborate. This includes businesses, industry, organizations, non-profits, agencies, government and other neighborhood clubs and associations.
A partial listing of our Partners include:
Northwest CDC
Haramabee Great Neighborhood Initiative (HGNI)
Riverworks Community Development Corperation
District 5 - Milwaukee Police Department
Pastors United
WestCare Foundation - Milwaukee
The Artery
Grace Fellowship Church
Westside M.B. Church
Safe and Sound
Westside MBC
Vision for the World Ministries
Greater Bethlehem Temple New World Ministries
MSOE honors program
Milwaukee Behavioral Health Department
Outreach Health Centers
5 Points Art Gallery and Studios
Bay Bridge Wisconsin
House of Kings and Priests
Sister Circle with Heddy Keith
Groundworks Milwaukee
Hallowed Missionary Baptist
Center for Leadership of Afrikan Women's Wellness (CLAWW)
Monthly Speakers/Presenters
Each month 5PNA invites a number of people, including public officials, business leaders, community organizers, agencies and organizations to provide value information for community residents.
A partial listing of monthly Speakers/Presenters have included:
Mayor Tom Barrett
City Treasurer - Spencer Coggs
State Representative 10th District - Sandy Pasch
State Representative - Evan Goyke
State Senator - Lena Taylor
County Sherriff's Office
Congresswoman Gwen Moore Office
District 5 Milwaukee Police Department
County Supervior- Willie Johnson
County Supervior - David Bowen
Alderwoman - M Cogg
Alderman - Donvan
Black Health Coalition
Universal Company
Hope Elementary
Common Ground
Milwaukee Police Department
PKSD legal Clinic
Thrivent Financial
HR Block
Department of Transportation
Dr. Zelda Okia of Zoki Ventures-Life Coach
Dr. Vanessa White of Purely Professional-Organizational Development and Leadership Coaching
a host of others