Beautification & Improvement
This committee organizes clean ups, identify potential garden spots, keep up with violations and find resources for means of correction. In addition, the BI committee will call the city for attention to vacant lots, abandoned and razed properties, and improvements in lights, streets, and signs.
Business/Economic Development
This committee brings economic resources to the association, build strong neighborhood-business-community relationships, and provide connections to other businesses or organizations that support neighborhood activities.
This committee distributes monthly flyers, create newsletters, information packets, announcements. Additionally, they email members, make phone calls to remind members who do not have email about meetings, reconnect and re-invite absentee members and find out concerns of homebound members, and update website and utilize other means of social media.
Elderly and Disabled Assist
This committee assist with lawn or snow removal, make calls to the elderly in at least 3 week intervals to find out their needs and concerns, help serve as intermediaries when dealing with energy, phone, or other companies, make connections to organizations and places of resources, provides rides and help with errands as well as sometimes provide comfort or someone with whom just to talk.
Crime Prevention
This committee attends presentations by the Milwaukee Police Department, including crime and safety at (District 5), keep a log of neighborhood crimes, keep up with trends in surrounding areas, bring resources and information to association through presentations of pertinent safety information.
The fundraising committee will garner business support, organize ways to raise funds and to research grants aligned with neighborhood objectives.
Health & Wellness
The HW committee will bring resources and presentations to the area (i.e. resources re: domestic violence, etc), design programs to address substance use and abuse in the community, find out causes of deaths in the area and the possible connections or contributions of the area’s design to the health of those who have lived longer than 5 years in the area, investigate and work to determine links between environmental aspects of the neighborhood and health effects, monitor health conditions of people who report them, plan Health Fairs and Walks.
This committee welcomes new neighbors and secure as much info as possible about residents (names, address, phone), deliver folders (neighborhood guidelines, contact information, call 4 action guide) and welcoming gifts, and provide updates on births and deaths in the area.
Official Communication
The OC committee emails various governmental departments or call using (Block club or Association name), speak as a political representative for the group ((given time limits or a need for lobbying), speak as group representative on certain issues.
Research and Development
This committee attends various meetings to scope worthwhile connections, city development and impact on area, licensing of businesses in the area, programs to align with mission and vision and work toward improving organization and find out projects that are taking place within the area.
This committee provides reports on abandoned vehicles, suspicious activity, loitering, nuisance, or repetitive activity, day watch and night watch, and provide individuals to serve as those who will watch others property while they are traveling.
Youth Activities/Recreation
This committee designs activities to engage youth in club, encourage educational and employment opportunities, find and encourage participation in extra-curricular or summer learning activities, foster healthy lifestyle choices, plan block party and provide individual counseling and mentoring.
This committee keeps an updated contact list of property owners who do not reside in the area, secure signatures on landlord compacts, communicate neighborhood concerns as well as concerns about tenants or property upkeep, and encourage participation in the association.