2020-2022 Virtual Webinars/Seminars/Training
Climate change monthly meetings through webinar ongoing
Participation on Reckless and Carjacking Task Force: report June 2020
6-30-20 meeting with group :notes to follow as this was a moving forward team goals leaders
Class 7/3/20 structure of the constitution on coursera
7/30/20 Zoom or facebook ACLU legal observer training taught by Susan Padveen (another date also scheduled)
8/4/20 discussion with group on one on one
8/4/20 Micah 5 week trainings on one one
Working with UWM students Sept-Nov end
8/30/20 Town Hall on Human Trafficking
9/22/20 resident meeting with Hamid Abd Al Jamin
9/24/20 plan with Bid Halyard park attended zoom meeting
10/1/20 skills on interviewing led by Kim
6/26/20 Time to exhale held at grace
8/2820 Digital nonprofit building
Day of relaxation held at Grace with bay bridge community
7/15/20 Hildebrand law- certificates given re: estate planning July/august
7/13/20 Thrive summit ( we have purchased replay for those to watch)
7/21/20 Bay Bridge
Friday climate talk 21st of July
Freedom summit July 23-28 (purchased replays for us to watch) leaders
21. 7/16/20 social mediation 2pm
22. 7/16 10am fit day work network for good
23. July 15 1pm gmf nonprofits
24. Tuesday July 21st 11-12 gmf nonprofits
25. 7/19/20 yellow brick fashion
26. 7/28/20 Digital presence
27. On the table presentation in October
28. Oct 8, 10, 11, 12 13 (choose your own however there were a lot you can go to their page if you did not take notes it still is on facebook)
29. List the ones you attended with your name:
30. 1013/ finding the frontlines
31. Leading across generations
32. Focus on black/brown philanthropy
33. Mapping middle class neighborhoods 1pm (center for community progress still available on their site)
34. 100 Leaders live (we purchased replay so people can see them)
35. Oct 13 playbook leading change 4pm by Sanyin Sang
36. oct 13 l Growth and customer engagement by mark Thompson
37. Oct 14 am superpower symphony part I future of inclusion Oshoke Abalm
38. oct 14 4pm empowering women Sharon Melnick
39. Oct 15 12pm harnessing resilience in leadership
40. Oct 15 resilience is wonderful Srikamar Rao
41. WFB Board Meeting 8pm MLK JR Day northshore planning, pace , newsletter, blm letter, cm engagement
42. Please list if you have had direct contact with the presentors or coaches on topics
43. Oct 18, 2020 Town Hall on know your voting rights,
44. 10/23/20 Eric Dozier
45. Aug 2020 meeting at 5 pts gallery re: gentrification and signature
46. 10/29/20 Helping Veterans become Entrepreneurs
47. Lead 2 change
48. Anti Displacement protest march
49. Antidisplacement gathering signatures for 5 points 10 points plan
50. List any city meetings you attended and also spoke out on.
51. Send copies of letters you have written to DOT, City, NIDC or alderwoman,
52. 12/4/20 meeting with CCHD
53. Micah training on leadership and use of break out room November
54. 11/9/20 Harambee Org Meeting
55. 11/20/20 Meeting with Westcare
56. 11/12/20 Group Meeting
57. 11/12/20 Mental health and substance abuse in collaboration with HOKP,
58. Training with Dr. White on deliverables
59. Reading on FB provided by Dr. Zelda
60. PPE at Grace July and Aug
61. Prostate at GBTNWM October sponsors: CCHD, GMF, Julia Means, BHCW
62. Grant writing starting 1/3/20 continued and meeting tomorrow mandatory
63. 11/21/20 HR fair for community virtual MP Jennifer l, Arthur M, De Heffner. Deb
64. Covid workshop and class on "Contact tracing "
65. "Learning to learn" class on Coursera
66. Any other courses you have taken that can serve the group -Unwritten Constitution
69. Include any check in calls on your one on one sheet
70. Virtual painting classes sponsored by HOKP
71. Dec 2, 9am DOT meeting
72. CEDC Dec 2 1:30
73. CPC dec 7 1:30
74. PHS Dec 8
75. Bay bridge committee
76. Dec 4 Dzoier and Friday black talks with POTE
77. Dec 9 cedc
78. De 9 Soc grant tracy j brown (recording for at leisure review)
79. Dec 3 training with Dr. White leader to leader
80. Dec 12 5pna
81. Dec 12 Claww sister talk
82. Community Art Talk, reboot and set goals Dec at 5 pts arts gallery
83. 12/2/ 20 A Milwaukee for all
84. 12/2/20 student talk with wfb ,
85. 12/27/20 Dr White and sy leader to leader strategies and needs for org development types for next meetings.
86. 1/7/21 American Heart Association with Donald Drive, Sidney Moncrief and Lammie
87. 12/30/20 tribe live
88. 12/30/20 Kwanzaa first fruits with CLAWW
89. 1/11/21 5 steps to a thriving and resilient nonprofit in uncertain times y Joan Garry.
90. 1/12/21 zoning board anti displacement screen printing
91. Community Collaborative meetings fall 2020 and jan 2021
92. 1/21/20 HR fair for community virtual
93. Entrepreneur Fair with Ald. Coggs Jan 2021