Grass Root Leadership Training
Overview and Insight
What Does It Look Like?
All across the landscape of America there is a critical need for effective community leadership and training at the grass root level. Nowhere is this needed more than in urban America. It is not that these urban communities do not have leaders, but rather these communities have a greater disproportion of social issues and the existing structural frameworks of leadership are overwhelmed. In order to maintain and to turn these communities around from deserts of hopelessness, crisis driven and instability, effective leadership must be nurtured to ensure that communities can remain focused on improving the quality of life of all its residents.
The primary focus of these (5) units is to strengthen inner city community leaders through proactive training. Within each training module, participants will learn how to define key terms and concepts including leadership, outreach, teamwork, partnership, engagement, mission/vision, advocacy, assessment, and strategic planning. Training also includes individual and group activities, data collection, role playing and media.
Training Objectives:
Enhance the knowledge of participants with current concepts on leadership, teamwork, outreach, partnerships and community life.
Engage participants in thoughtful discussions on various topics of interest affecting the community and provide a place for the sharing of ideas in a positive environment.
Equip each participant with tools to gather data, measure effectiveness and for strategic planning.
Empower each participant to become actively involved in the ongoing initiatives of reshaping and sustaining their community.